Monday, 8 October 2012

Stories of Global Warming

Something fishy about global-warming study

By Jon Ferry, The ProvinceOctober 5, 2012
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Okay so here's a story that I found odd and makes you second guess global warming.
So the big story here was the fact that scientist were saying Global Warming will be creating smaller fish, (Among other observations.) but what was interesting was the fact that just recently two of the largest fish were accounted for not to long ago,a sturgeon weighing nearly 500 kilograms, reportedly the second such monster to be caught recently in the river. And yet we're suppose to be having smaller fish by now? I know this is only a small argument you can make, but it does raise some questions. Did they get their studies wrong? Or are the wrong all together?
When Global Warming and Climate Change Are a Good Thing: Three Cheers for Melting Sea Ice
By Zachary Taylor in Science, Climate Change
So here's a story that seems the facts of Global Warming, and yet their not saying it's all together a bad thing. According to this story while the Artic is Shrinking the Antarctic is expanding. One big huge issue of the Ice Melting is the fact that sea level will rise... But a lot of what makes up the "land" there is Ice, so ice melting in the water,and there's no land mass. It's like Ice cubes melting in your drink. So it's not as big of an issue as many people have made it out to be. Also without a lot of that ice melted away it means a greater passage way from ships to go through, it can cut down on travel time and also means you don't have to wait for a certain season to do it.
Global Warming isn't as big on an issue... A lot of people missed facts that have been noted in this story.

From what I gathered on this fairly recent story's about Global Warming, I have come to the idea that... It's not as huge of a issue. Not to say there isn't one, but from what scientist have to been studying about it recently, there's just more talk of it not being that big of a problem. In some ways it could be a good thing (Could be... but also could not be.) and in another way it's just something that happens, something we have to change with. It's not like this is the first time the earth has been changed in some way, we learn to grow and adjust to the changes that happen.

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